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Are you tired of navigating through countless dating apps that don't quite cater to your needs? Look no further! Disco is here to revolutionize the way gay, bisexual, trans, and queer individuals connect and find love. Our free dating platform is designed to simplify the dating experience for everyone within the LGBTQ+ community.

With Disco, meeting like-minded individuals has never been easier. Simply swipe, match, chat, and meet new people to expand your social circle or find that special someone you've been searching for.

What sets Disco apart from other dating apps is our commitment to inclusivity and safety. Our advanced search tool allows you to filter your preferences and find exactly what you're looking for among thousands of profiles of gay, bi, and queer men.

Once you've found someone who catches your eye, swipe right and wait for that exciting match! Engage in free, verified chats knowing that every profile is authenticated for your peace of mind.

Ready to elevate your dating experience? Consider upgrading to Disco Premium for added perks:

See who has already liked you and instantly match with other gay, bi, and queer men.

Enjoy unlimited likes to express interest in as many guys as you want.

Chat with your matches before anyone else to make meaningful connections.

At Disco, we believe in empowering our users to tailor their dating journey to their unique preferences. Whether you're seeking a romantic date, looking for true love within the gay community, or simply craving new connections with proud LGBTQ+ friends, Disco puts you in control.

More about Disco

Behind Disco is a dedicated team committed to fostering a safe and inclusive space where all gay men, bisexuals, trans individuals, and queer guys can freely chat, meet, and date. Our goal is to cultivate a vibrant community where anyone can find their perfect match or forge new friendships, regardless of their sexual orientation or relationship goals.

Don't wait any longer to rediscover gay dating! Join Disco today and embark on a journey towards meaningful connections within the LGBTQ+ community.

Important Note: Disco is exclusively for gay and queer men. We strictly prohibit photos depicting explicit content or nudity to ensure a respectful and secure environment for all users. Download Disco now and start on your next dating adventure!

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Join the Party!

What's New in the Latest Version 202403.2.3

Last updated on Apr 11, 2024

Looking for the perfect app to meet new friends or date right now? You got it!

We work every day to bring you the absolute best social and dating experience and update our app with new improvements frequently. To make sure you don't miss a thing, just keep your updates turned on.


Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Your feedback is very important to us, so please let us know what you think!

Have fun!

The Disco team

Detailed Information
  • AppSize74.40M
  • System Requirements5.0 and up
  • Is there a feeFree(In game purchase items)
  • AppLanguage English
  • Package Namecom.jaumo.gay
  • MD598a4043b2f7f232039e769abf7fe02c8
  • PublisherJoyride GmbH
  • Content RatingTeenDiverse Content Discretion Advised
  • Privilege19
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