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Are you ready to sound like a native English speaker without an accent? With LetMeSpeak, you can achieve fluency in English in just three weeks! Our app offers a comprehensive English course, including 40 grammar topics, 6,000 of the most common English words, and engaging conversation practice—all designed to make learning English fun and effective.

Language immersion is at the heart of our approach. Instead of tedious memorization, you'll dive straight into speaking English on various topics. This immersive experience accelerates your learning process, helping you speak confidently in no time.

Expand your English vocabulary effortlessly with LetMeSpeak. We've curated a list of 6,000 essential words that cover everyday scenarios like travel, work, and hobbies. Each word is accompanied by a clear translation and a memorable illustration, making it easy to grasp and retain.

Forget about struggling with English grammar. LetMeSpeak offers interactive exercises and straightforward explanations for mastering grammar topics. Our built-in games add an element of fun to your learning journey, allowing you to challenge yourself and compete with fellow English learners worldwide in real-time.

Start your journey to English fluency today with LetMeSpeak. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our app provides the tools and support you need to speak English confidently and accurately from day one.

Comprehensive Content: The app offers a comprehensive English course covering a wide range of topics. With 40 grammar topics and a curated list of 6,000 common English words, users receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for various situations, including travel, work, and leisure activities.

Interactive Learning: LetMeSpeak leverages interactive exercises and games to reinforce learning and retention. Users can expect a variety of activities that challenge their skills and provide immediate feedback, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Spaced Repetition: To enhance memory retention, LetMeSpeak incorporates spaced repetition techniques. This approach strategically reinforces learned material over time, maximizing long-term retention without overwhelming users with excessive repetition.

Smart Reminders: The app includes smart reminders to encourage consistent practice. Users receive notifications tailored to their learning pace and preferences, helping them stay on track and make steady progress towards their language learning goals.

Community Engagement: LetMeSpeak fosters a sense of community among users by enabling real-time competitions and challenges. Learners can interact with fellow English enthusiasts from around the world, motivating each other and fostering a supportive learning environment.

Questions? Send us message at help@letmespeak.org

Privacy Policy: https://www.letmespeak.org/privacy

Terms of Use: https://www.letmespeak.org/terms

What's New in the Latest Version 1.38.273

Last updated on Mar 13, 2024

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!

Detailed Information
  • AppSize48.59M
  • System Requirements5.0 and up
  • Is there a feeFree(In game purchase items)
  • AppLanguage English
  • Package Nameorg.letmespeak
  • MD57535682f81d083bc86fc2afeb13f7ef5
  • PublisherLet Me Speak
  • Content RatingTeenDiverse Content Discretion Advised
  • Privilege19
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