In the game, a young woman named Yuriko Nomiya, descended from the illustrious Kuge family, has a string of misfortunes in her life, beginning with her birthday celebration. Despite the Nomiya family's decline from prosperity to poverty, her father is adamant about throwing a grand party.
Yuriko's destiny is sealed when anti-government thugs break in, turning the celebration into a nightmare and causing her father's murder.
◈ Game Features:
Free-to-Play Base Game: Players receive 5 scenario tickets daily to progress through the story.
Decision-Driven Outcomes: Choices made in each scenario influence the destiny of Yuriko and her lover, with all possible outcomes displayed on the “Ripple Chart.”
Exclusive Content: Progressing through the story unlocks new stories, scenarios, and beautiful illustrations1.
◈ Love Interests:
Junichi Shiba: A 28-year-old wealthy merchant and a nouveau riche, obsessed with the protagonist.
Mizuhito Nomiya: Yuriko’s older brother, a libertine who adores painting and treats Yuriko as a precious gem.
Hideki Majima: A servant of the Nomiya family and Yuriko’s first love, known for his love of plants and friendly demeanor.
Hideo Ozaki: The first son of a baron family and a sublieutenant of the army1.
◈ Recommended For:
Choudoku: Ripple Effect Stories is recommended for players who:
- Are fans of otome games with a historical setting and enjoy narratives set in the Taisho period.
- Like games where their choices significantly impact the storyline and character relationships.
- Appreciate a game that combines elements of romance, tragedy, and mystery.
- Enjoy unlocking various paths and outcomes, aiming to achieve the most satisfying conclusion for the characters involved.
◈ Developer Sites:
Official Website: Here
Playstore: Here
Facebook: Here
Twitter: Here
Instagram: Here
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.2
Last updated on Jun 30, 2020
- Takeover function
- Tutorial update
- GameSize29.86M
- System Requirements5.0 and up
- Is there a feeFree(In game purchase items)
- GameLanguage English
- Package Nameinfo.otomedou.fwl.choudokuEn
- MD506c2847948041f3f657e90b5b1823764
- PublisherAbracadabra Games
- Content RatingTeenDiverse Content Discretion Advised
- Privilege19
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