◈ Game Feature
Mix Your Ingredients:
Start your baking adventure by mixing your ingredients together to create the perfect cookie mix. This interactive feature allows players to explore different combinations and ratios, teaching them the importance of each component in cookie baking.
Create Delicious Icing:
In addition to making cookies, players can add icing ingredients to a separate bowl and mix them thoroughly to create yummy icing. This step not only enhances the overall flavor of the cookies but also introduces players to the fun of making frosting.
Cut Out Ice Cream Cone Shapes:
Once the cookie mix is ready, players can cut out their cookies into fun ice cream cone shapes before baking them to perfection. This feature allows for creativity in cookie design, as players can choose different shapes that resemble their favorite ice cream cones.
Decorate to Perfection:
After baking, it’s time to unleash your creativity by decorating your ice cream cookies until they’re sweet to eat. Players can choose from an array of icing colors, sprinkles, and toppings to make each cookie visually stunning and uniquely theirs.
Enjoy and Repeat:
Once the cookies are beautifully decorated, players can eat their delicious creations. This satisfying conclusion to the baking process allows players to enjoy the fruits of their labor before moving on to make another batch.
◈ Recommended Audience
The Cookie Cooking Game is perfect for children and families who enjoy interactive baking experiences. It appeals to young aspiring bakers eager to explore the culinary world and develop their baking skills in a fun, engaging way.
This game provides a wonderful platform for kids to learn about mixing ingredients, creativity in decorating, and the joy of baking, making it an excellent choice for anyone who loves cookies and wants to have fun in the kitchen.
Contact us at the following sites if you encounter any issues:
Google Play: Here
YouTube: Here
Instagram: Here
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.0
Last updated on Feb 11, 2023
+ update SDKs
- GameSize16.05M
- System Requirements5.0 and up
- Is there a feeFree(In game purchase items)
- GameLanguage English
- Package Namebwebmedia.icecreamconescookies
- MD58b442626850877ca9e11e8ebdea05af3
- Publisherbweb media
- Content RatingTeenDiverse Content Discretion Advised
- Privilege19
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