Purrfect Tale
It must be overwhelming to suddenly find yourself back in the student life with all its pressures. But it's amazing how a little furry friend can bring some comfort and joy into your world. Purrfect Tale is an interactive otome game that revolves around the life of a student who encounters a stray cat and later discovers that it transforms into a human boy...
Purrfect Tale is an otome game that revolves around the life of a student who encounters a stray cat and later discovers that it transforms into a human boy. The game element is a combination of romance, decoration, pet care, and fashion, allowing players to create a cozy life with their cat-eared youth.
Interactive Comic Story
The game is presented through interactive comic-style storytelling, where players make choices that impact the narrative and their relationships with their cat-eared youth.
Customizing Home and Wardrobe
Players can design their dream home by decorating it with various furniture items and plants. Additionally, they can explore a vast collection of over 100 outfits to dress their character in different styles, which may also influence the story.
Virtual Pet Care
Players can take care of their cats by bathing, drying, and playing with them, offering a unique pet-raising experience within the game.
Social Interaction
The game includes a feature called "WeCat," where players can learn more about their cats' secrets and daily lives, fostering a deeper connection with their virtual pets.
Claw Machine and Rewards
Players can enjoy a fun mini-game where they catch cats in a claw machine, earning decorations, souvenirs, and snacks to enhance their in-game experience.
What's New in the Latest Version 2.11.0
Oct 23, 2023
The melodious sounds of a piano echo in the air, signifying that the banquet was about to start.
New Journal
Act 5, Letter 29
Halloween Event: Twilight Symphony
Who are you? And who am I? Did we swap souls?!
Collect Musical Notes by making desserts for the banquet together.
There are even exclusive accessories and stories waiting to be unlocked!
The October Claw Machine Limited Event has begun!
The fall limited edition snack, Pumpkin Pie, and Maidservant Cat
- GameSize463.00M
- System Requirements5.0 and up
- Is there a feeFree(In game purchase items)
- GameLanguage English
- Package Name
- MD5
- PublisherBadMouse
- Content RatingTeenDiverse Content Discretion Advised
- Privilege19
Purrfect Tale 2.11.0Install
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3195 Human Evaluation
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