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Android 11 is here!

Android 11 is here!

0 Styles|2024-04-18 17:24Updated

You were probably expecting another exciting game update, weren't you? Well, these entertaining games need a platform to operate on, and that's where Android comes in! Our beloved operating system, Android, has unveiled what the latest update, Android 11, has in store for us. Curious to learn more? Just keep reading! Conversations Tab Multitasking is a valuable skill, and Android users have always boasted about their ability to multitask compared to iOS users. With Android 11, responding to messages becomes even quicker and more convenient. Simply swipe down from the top of the notification bar to view your new messages more prominently. You can reply right away without needing to open the app! This feature is expected to be compatible with popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and more. Screen Recording While many of us already have screen recording capabilities through OEM features, Android 11 introduces a built-in screen recording feature. This tool will be particularly handy for gamers, YouTubers, and influencers. It's something that many feel should have been integrated much earlier! Dark Mode Scheduling Dark mode has been a sought-after feature, and Android 11 delivers on user demands. While Android 10 allowed users to enable dark mode as the default for all apps, Android 11 takes it a step further by allowing users to schedule dark mode activation at a specific time. It's all about giving users the freedom to choose! Notifications History Managing notifications can be a challenge for both app users and creators. We often dismiss notifications instinctively as soon as they pop up on our screens. Android 11 addresses this by providing a history of all notifications received in the past 24 hours. This ensures that important notifications are not missed. As with every Android update, the burning question is which phones will receive it first. Let's stay updated on the latest news to see how OEMs plan to roll out this update. Keep an eye out for updates!

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